

Bio Seed

  • Category : Health Functional Food / Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Manganese
  • Country of Origin : Canada
  • Package Quantity : 520mg x 120capsules (62.4g)

This product is supplied only to member pharmacies of J&H Bio.
You can buy this product at your local member pharmacy.
※ Please ask more information of product to your pharmacist.

Product overview

Ingredients Vitamin C, Manganese Citrate, Folic Acid, Pine Bark Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Rutin, Croscarmellose Sodium, Hesperidin, Magnesium Stearate
Suggested use Take 2 capsules twice daily with water.
Dietary warning
  • Consult your healthcare provider prior to use if nursing, on medications, have a medical condition.
Storage warning
  • Keep out of direct light or heat.
  • Keep sealed when not in use.
Vitamin C
  • Needed for formation of connective tissue and maintaining of function.
  • Needed for absorption of iron.
  • Needed for protecting the cells from free radical as antioxidants.
Folic Acid
  • Needed for hematopoiesis and cell proliferation.
  • Needed for normal development of fetal neural tube.
  • Needed for maintaining the normal blood homocysteine level.
  • Needed for formation of bone
  • Needed for using energy
  • Needed for protecting the cells from free radical

Supplement Facts : Daily Serving : 4 Capsules(2,080mg)

Per Daily Serving Amount %DV
Calories 0kcal  
Vitamin C 950mg 950%
Manganese 1.8mg 60%
Folic acid 680㎍ DFE 170%

* %DV : % of Recommend Daily Value


This product can help for

  • Protecting the cells form free radical.
  • Hematopoiesis and cell proliferation
  • Formation of bone.
  • Using energy.
  • Absorption of iron.
  • Formation of connective tissue and maintaining of function.
  • Maintaining the normal blood homocysteine level.
  • Normal development of fetal neural tube.
  • Persons who want active physical activity and healthy life.

What is Manganese?

Manganese is trace amounts in the body, But it is an essential nutrients closely related to antioxidation by SOD and metabolisms of sugar, lipid and protein,

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C act as coenzyme for various enzymes in the body, and involve in collagen synthesis consists the connective tissue such as skin, skeleton, vessel and cartilage.
Vitamin C maintains deoxidized iron in hydroxylase when proline and lysine are metabolized to hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine as hydroxylation. This can induce the maintenance of collagen tissue. Collagen consists 30% of protein in the body, and Vitamin C is essential nutrient for collagen synthesis.
In addition, Vitamin C induces the absorption of plant iron not connected to hemoglobin as converting iron to deoxidized form.
This vitamin is not able to be synthesized in the body, so it have to be taken from outside.

What is Folic acid?

This is needed for hematopoiesis, cell proliferation, normal neural tube and normal level of blood homocysteine.
Folic acid is essential nutrient for synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acid, and is especially needed for cell proliferation and development as coenzyme for synthesis of DNA compose to gene.

This product is not a medicine for the prevention and treatment of disease. It is a health functional food manufactured and processed using raw materials or ingredients with healthful function for the human body. * You can exchange or compensate this product when this have deterioration or defect within the expiration date in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Criteria.
* If you estimate the adverse effect, contact 1577-2488.