Category : Health Functional Food / Mucopolysaccharide-protein
Country of Origin : USA
Package Quantity : 550mg x 120 capsules (Total 66g)
This product is supplied only to member pharmacies of J&H Bio.
You can buy this product at your local member pharmacy. ※ Please ask more information of product to your pharmacist.
Persons who want active physical activity and providing nutrients to joint.
Women who are prone to bone weakness and older people with low calcium absorption.
Persons who want to intake of vitamin D for healthy bone.
What are Mucopolysaccharide-protein?
Mucopolysaccharide is a generic term of amino sugars. They are mainly present in connective tissue as mucopolysaccharides-protein.
Mucopolysaccharide-protein itself is a component of cartilage tissue and can help joint and cartilage health.
This product is not a medicine for the prevention and treatment of disease. It is a health functional food manufactured and processed using raw materials or ingredients with healthful function for the human body. * You can exchange or compensate this product when this have deterioration or defect within the expiration date in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Criteria.
* If you estimate the adverse effect, contact 1577-2488.